“Let there be light.”

In the Book of Genesis, God spoke those four words to create light. But what is light? And why are we so drawn to its presence? The light that hits the window at just the right corner, the light that makes everything a glowing orange during golden hour, the light that shines on the Providence River, and even the light from the bedside lamp – what is this light that is surrounding us at all times?

Book of Light seeks to respond to those questions in the process of finding our relationship with and connection to light. Through the daily project of journaling, quilting, and painting, we have focused on the light that we encounter on an everyday basis.

The light that we have discovered is a noun, a verb, and an adjective. Light is hope, light is moving, light is warm. The more we wanted to know about light, the more we began seeing light as a quality. This book is not finite endpoint of finding my relationship to light, but rather a constantly evolving and growing process. We hope that our exhibition can be the beginning of a collective appreciation and reflection on light.

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